Inquiry 22.1
25 Months of Bill Images
Inquiry | Bill Inquiry: The number of months to print bills in Billing Inquiry has been expanded from a maximum of 14 months to up to 25 months. When selecting the View Bill/Toll Adjustments icon in Bill Inquiry to print a bill, the View PDF of Bill for the previous 25 months will produce the applicable bill. Months greater than 25 will display as XXX.
Note: As of April 2022, you can view 20 months of bill history.
Pending Calculations in Billing Inquiry and Estimated Bill
Inquiry | Billing Inquiry: As services are added or changed, customers often want to know how much the new services will cost. Updates were made to Bill Inquiry to display any activity affecting recurring charges prior to the complete and apply process of Service Order and Sales Lead.
A dropdown labeled “Pending Order” was added to Bill Inquiry to show pending changes. If an account contains any pending Service Orders or Sales Leads they will display in the Pending Order dropdown, and users can view their pending charges. Columns in the Pending Order dropdown grid display the ticket number, the Service Order or Sales Lead icon, and the Class. Pending Order is only visible on the Recurring Charges and Current OCCs tabs, not the Billed OCCs and Bill History tabs. When a Pending Order is selected, the pending charges display in the grid, along with current recurring charges. If no Pending Order is selected, only the current recurring charges display in the grid. Note: Pending Order is disabled when a Bill Date in the past is selected. Once the pending Service Order or Sales Lead is applied/accepted, the charges will no longer be pending and become recurring.
In the example below, Marilyn Monroe’s account has both a pending Service Order and a pending Sales Lead in the Pending Order dropdown. Before either pending order is selected, notice the Internet tier’s current recurring charges are $33.90 and the Video tier’s charges are $54.72.
Inquiry | Billing Inquiry | Request Estimated Subscriber Bill: With the ability to view pending charges in Bill Inquiry via the Pending Order dropdown, users may also want to email an estimated bill to show the customers their pending charges. A new version of Request Estimated Bill was added to the Bill Inquiry screen. A dropdown list option is available to access Request Estimated Subscriber Bill from the View Bill/Toll Adjustments button. The Request Estimated Subscriber Bill process will only be available for the account being viewed in Bill Inquiry. It can be used to create an estimated bill for both current or pending charges.
- If a Pending Order is selected then the Request Estimated Subscriber Bill will show an estimate of pending charges.
- If no Pending Order is selected then the process will show an estimate of the current recurring charges.
The Request Estimated Subscriber Bill screen is similar to the existing Request Estimated Bill screen in the tools menu. Most of the fields will auto-populate from the selected account in Bill Inquiry and cannot be edited. This field automation includes the Pending Order Box, which fills with the Service Order/Sales Lead number selected in Bill Inquiry. If no order is selected in Bill Inquiry, the box is blank. The “Email Bill To” field will auto populate with the Account Contact information from the Primary and Principal email, if one exists. The user can manually type over the prepopulated email address, and the estimated bill will be e-mailed to the selected email account.
- If multiple emails are flagged as Principal, select an e-mail account from the dropdown.
- If no Account Contact exists, the field is blank and can be manually populated by the user.
When the Execute button is clicked the billing information will be loaded for the selected account, exported, zipped, and transmitted to MACC via FTP. An estimated bill with pending or current recurring charges is generated at MACC and emailed to the designated “Email bill to” address. There is a disclaimer statement on the Estimated Bill.
- If a pending Service Order or Sales Lead is selected in Bill Inquiry, the disclaimer notation will display the following: “Estimated Statement includes Pending Charges as of [bill run date.]”
- If no Service Order or Sales Lead is selected in Bill Inquiry, the disclaimer notation will display: “Estimated Statement of Account produced on [bill run date.]”
In the example below, we see Brad and Angelina’s pending bundle charges from pending Service Order 13872 on the estimated bill.