FCC – New Fabric Reports and Updates for HUBB
The Broadband Serviceable Location (BSL) Fabric is a standardized dataset of locations in the United States where fixed broadband access is available or could be installed. The FCC requires carriers to use the Fabric in the HUBB to report deployment data and ensure the accuracy of broadband data. MACC is committed to supporting the FCC requirement by updating the existing HUBB reports. New Fabric Locations reports have been developed to include a Fabric ID. The existing reports remained unchanged but have been renamed with “Non-Fabric Locations” labels. This will keep them separate from the new Fabric reports. The existing tab was renamed to “HUBB Non-Fabric Locations Report History.”

A new tab labeled “HUBB Fabric New Locations Report History” has been added to the FCC HUBB reporting screen and is the first tab. The “Create New Report” (+) icon dropdown has the following report selections: Fabric Locations, Fabric Modifications, and Fabric Deletions. Use these reports to view, print, and create Fabric Location reports.

Fabric Locations Report: When on the “HUBB Fabric New Locations Report History” tab, clicking the “Create New Report” (+) icon and selecting “Fabric Locations” will open the “Fabric Locations Report” parameter screen. Generate the report in the same way as the existing HUBB Non-Fabric Locations Report. The new Fabric report will pull details from the BDC section of the Network Address | Regulatory tab. This includes the Fabric Location ID, which is the same as the BDC Location ID. If the BDC details are populated, the address details will appear in the Fabric report.

Fabric Modifications Report: Selecting “Fabric Modifications” will open the “Fabric Modification Report” parameter screen. When this report is generated only records the user wants to modify in the HUBB file are included. This report includes the HUBB Location ID, Study Area Code, Carrier Location ID, Fabric Location ID, Date of Deployment, and more.

Fabric Deletions Report: When this report is generated only those records the user wants to delete from the HUBB file will be included. Each record must have a Reason Code ID and a Reason Explanation must be included when Reason Code ID “9” is selected.