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FCC – Broadband Label – Updates

The FCC published updates to the Broadband Labels for further refinements and Machine Readability Labels. MACC has made the applicable changes for Broadband Labels in Customer Master which includes the ability to create a CSV Export file with label details.

 Maintenance | Internet | Broadband | Broadband Label: A “CSV Export” button was added to the Broadband Label maintenance screen which allows the creation of a CSV Export file with label details. Clicking the “CSV Export” button will open the Export window to export every detail from each label in the CSV file format dictated by the FCC.

Maintenance | Internet | Broadband | Broadband Label Template: A “Data Allowance Policy” field and “Government Taxes” option were added to the Broadband Label Template and the Customer Support contact was updated.

Data Allowance Policy: A “Data Allowance Policy” field was added to the Links group box to populate the URL for a data allowance policy that will print on the Broadband label in the “Data Included in Monthly Price” section. Users can click the link on the label and read the Data Allowance Policy. Note: The Data Allowance Policy is only required to be printed on the Label if the service plan has data allowance charges.

Contact URL: The Contact Email field in the Customer Support group box was replaced with a “Contact URL” field. Upon upgrade to 24.1 or when updates are applied to companies already on 24.1 the email will be cleared, and a Contact URL must be populated to appear on the Broadband Label.

Government Taxes: A “Government Taxes” group box was added to the screen and includes two tax radio buttons:

  • Varies by Location – This option can be selected if the taxes vary within the geographic area in which the plan is made available and will display on the label next to “Government Taxes”.
  • Included – This option can be selected if all taxes are included in the monthly price of the plan entered in the Monthly Price field and will display on the label next to “Government Taxes”. 

 Maintenance | Common | USP Codes | FCC tab: A change was made to where the Download Speed and Upload Speed printed on the Broadband Labels are pulled from. Previously the speeds populated in the “FCC Internet Reporting” group box printed on the labels. Now the speeds will be pulled from the Download Speed and Upload Speed fields entered in the “Affordable Connectivity Program” group box and printed in the “Speeds Provided with Plan” section of the label. Note: Be sure to populate the speeds in the Broadband Service group box to display on the labels.

 The Speed fields in the Broadband Service group box were also updated to enter ranges for the Upload and Download Speeds for a Broadband Type of “Mobile.” When a Type of Mobile is selected a dash is allowed in the Download Speed and Upload Speed fields, IE: 20-25, representing the range of speeds and latency that most consumers can expect.

 In addition, the Broadband Service Type selected from the “Type” drop-down now determines if the Label is “Fixed,” “Mobile,” or “Both” and no longer is determined by the USP Code’s network type. The selected Type will print on the Broadband Labels next to the “Broadband Consumer Disclosure” line.

Maintenance | Common | USP Codes | Broadband Label tab: In the Data Cap group box on the Broadband Label tab, an “Additional Data Increments (GB)” field was added for the amounts of data used more than a plan’s data allowance, and the charges associated with using that data. The field can be zero if applicable. The “Amount (GB)” and “Additional Data Usage Charge” fields were also updated to allow null/blank which displays on the Label as a blank. When the Data Cap Type is set to “3-Yes, Hard Data Cap” (metered data) the usage and charges can be zero but cannot be blank/null. For all other Data Cap Types, the usage and charges can be null/blank if applicable.

Other changes were made to the Broadband Label in the Introductory and Contract, Discount, and FCC Terms sections.

  • Introductory/Contract section: The Introductory/Contract verbiage was updated and is no longer in paragraph format, each line is separate to make it easier to read.
  • Discounts & Bundles section: The Discounts and Bundles verbiage was updated on the label, the “Click Here” link was removed, and the Discounts & Bundles URL display’s instead.
  • Displays FCC Terms: The FCC Terms verbiage was updated on the label.

Examples of the English and Spanish labels highlighting the updates:

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