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FCC “All-In” Video Charge

The FCC now requires cable operators and direct broadcast satellite (DBS) providers to prominently display the “all-in” price for video programming on bills and promotional materials. The “all-in” price consolidates all fees associated with video programming, including costs related to broadcast retransmission, regional sports, and entertainment programming. However, taxes, administrative fees, and equipment fees are excluded from this total. If video services are part of a bundled package (e.g., with internet or phone services), the “all-in” rule requires clear disclosure of the video programming portion’s cost. Providers must present the “all-in” price as a single, prominent line item on bills. MACC is dedicated to assisting our clients with FCC regulations and has added a new option to the USP code to meet this requirement.

Maintenance | Common | USP: A check box labeled “FCC All-In Charge” was added to the Services Options group box in the USP Editor for USPs with a network type of video (CBL). When the FCC All-In Charge box is checked, the USP will be included in the total for the All-In Video Programming message on the face page (first page) of the bill. USPs within bundles will be included in the total. The box is disabled on USPs with a blank or other network type such as telephone.

During billing, all USPs with the option checked and having a network type of cable/video will be totaled for each account, and a message will display on bills with a total of all the video charges. The message will display as “Total Video Programming Charge: $57.34.”

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