Automatically Change OCC Date when Service Order Effective Date Changes
Tools | Options | Service Order Options: An option was added to Service Order Options to “Automatically update OCC Date with Service Order Effective Date.” Using this option eliminates the need to manually update OCC Dates in pending Service Orders. When the new option is checked and a pending Service Order Effective Date is entered or changed, any OCC Dates in the Service Order will automatically be updated to match the Service Order Effective Date. The OCC “Start Bill Date” will also be updated to the correct bill date. If multiple OCCs are present in the pending Service Order, all the OCC Dates will be automatically updated.

In this example, pending Service Order 13882 has an Effective Date of 7/1/2024 and an OCC on the Account Tier with an OCC Date and Start Bill Date of 07/01/2024.

When the Service Order Effective Date is changed to 07/20/2024 the OCC Date is automatically updated to 07/20/2024 and the Start Bill Date is updated to the correct bill date 08/01/2024.