New Customer – Add Contact, CPNI, Payment and Paperless Options
MACC continues to improve the New Customer screen for Web Self-Care (WSC) users. This enhancement allows new customers to enter their contact information, select CPNI options, enter ACH Payment information, and sign up for Paperless options. The same functionality was added for existing Web Self-Care users to edit or add contact, CPNI, ACH payment, and information.
WSC Admin
To enable the new features available, go to the Account Profile from the left menu list. The Update My Account screen will appear with a selection list for CPNI, Contact Information, Auto ACH, and Paperless Sign-up. The dropdown selections will allow the administrator to allow New Customers, Existing Customers, or Both to add this new information.
WSC New Customer
The New Customer screen will display the new options available in the wizard format. Based on the Web Self-Care Administrator selections.
The Billing tab will display the Paperless option for the new customer to choose the option of setting up Paperless billing. They will be required to enter an e-mail address in the contact information tab. When the new customer selects the paperless option, the Bill Medium will populate Email at the Account tier in the pending service order.
The Payment Options tab will allow the new customer to enter ACH information and sign up for automatic ACH payment. This information will populate in the Credit – Bank information at the Account level when the new customer pending service order is submitted
The Contact Information tab provides the new customer to enter contact information. They must enter at least one of the two contact types. If the customer selects the Paperless Billing option, they will be required to enter an email address. The contact information entered will populate in the Account Contact information for the account in the pending service order.
The CPNI Information tab will allow the new customer to enter CPNI information based on the company’s established CPNI details in Customer Master. The web self-care administrator can select to display Level 1 and/or Level 2 CPNI details based on how they manage CPNI. The CPNI details entered will populate into the CPNI fields in the pending service order.
WSC Existing User
The existing customer screen will display the new options available, based on the Web Self-Care Administrator selections. From the drop-down selection of Profile, a new option of Account will be available. This will allow existing users to add or edit CPNI information, Contact information, sign up for ACH payments, and choose to go paperless. The new additions or edits will appear in their associated location within a pending service order for the account.