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Continuing Property Records 22.1

CPR Master Updates

The CPR Master record will represent a large category or grouping of individual assets. MACC continues to improve CPR efficiency by including serial numbers for serialized inventory items associated with the CPR record. A new field Item SN was added to the CPR Master screen. The Item SN drop-down field will allow users to select serial numbers associated with selected inventory items. When a serial number is selected, it will be included with the Copy, Paste, and Transfer features.

CPR Image 1
The option to Include Serial Number was added to the CPR Master Search screen. When selected, the Serial Number will print on the CPR Master Search report and be included in the CSV Export and CSV Pivot Export files.
CPR Image 3

When retiring an inventory item with a serial number, the serial number will display on the retirement screen and be included in the retirement reports. The CPR Automated Edit/Post screen that creates CPR detail records from closed work orders will include serial numbers. CPR reports were updated to include serial numbers for serialized inventory items.

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