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Client Central Home > Billing > On-Bill Ad Form

On-Bill Ad Form

Thank you for your interest in using MACC’s On-bill Ad Service. To submit an ad for inclusion on your company’s bills, please complete the form below. There are several important notes to remember regarding MACC’s On-Bill Ad Service.

On-Bill Ad Pricing
We have simplified our pricing for on-bill ads with two tiers.

  • Tier One – 3,6,9, or 12 month plan – The first ad each month is $100 and subsequent ads or ads used for another month are $75 each. You must sign a proposal for at least one of the specified periods to receive this price.
  • Tier Two – Pay as you go plan – The first ad is $125 and subsequent ads are $100 each.

*Please note: The charge for on-bill ads is the same whether you design the ad or we design it for you due to the work we must do behind the scenes for production.

Requesting On-Bill Ads

  • An ad must be submitted at least 14 days in advance of the bill on which it is to be used
  • You will have an opportunity to review and approve each ad before it is used
  • Approval of the ad is needed by the 15th day of the month in advance of the billing month
  • In addition to notifying us of the ad(s), you will also need to assign each ad a priority number. This number will be linked to the ad(s) in Customer Master to ensure the right customers see it. It will work much like the current bill insert process and its use of trays to assign which customers receive an insert. Your Software Support Representative will assist you with setting up your criteria and linking the ad(s).

Approving the Ads
Once we’ve received a signed proposal and you’ve made arrangements for the ad(s)’s artwork, we will send you a pdf proof of how the ad(s) will look for you to approve. Once you approve the ad(s), we will move them into a folder on our network at MACC where they will be “pulled” for use on your bills. An important note is that ads must be approved before the next step, which is configuring Customer Master for their use. The ads will also be saved for use in future months.

Configuring the ad in Customer Master
You have the ability to place up to five different ads on each month’s statements, but only one ad per customer bill. The ads can be displayed on specified statements based on criteria in Customer Master such as location, included/excluded USP codes, business/residential, etc. Just like the insert or bill message process, each on-bill ad will need to have criteria established for it in Customer Master. The criteria will then be linked to the priority number you assigned to each ad. Please note that only one ad can appear on a statement and is dependent upon the criteria you set up in Customer Master. Once the configuration step is complete, and your billing is transmitted to MACC, the on-bill ad process is complete for the month.

We’ll help make sure everything is set up correctly by having your MACC Software Support Representative contact you each time you have an on-bill ad. He or she will review your Customer Master settings to make sure everything is configured properly.

An important note regarding on-bill ads
If your company prints your delinquent notices on the face page of your bill, the delinquent notice will always take priority over your on-bill ad. On-bill ads will automatically replace any face page messages set-up on your bills. If you have a face page message and you would like it to remain on your bills, the message can be moved to the bill’s first details page. For assistance with this task, please contact your company’s Software Support Representative.

View our ad gallery
MACC has a gallery of on-bill ads for your company to use. They can be customized for your company easily at no extra cost. Follow this link to view the gallery and receive instructions on using the gallery ads.

Submitting your own artwork?
If you’re submitting your own artwork please make sure to follow the specifications noted below. Please note: The charge for the on-bill ads is the same whether you provide the artwork of if we design a custom ad for you.

  • Dimensions – 3.5 inches wide by 2.25 inches high
  • Resolution – 300 dpi
  • Color – Grayscale (or RGB color if you are a color bill customer)
  • Acceptable File Types – JPG, TIF, PNG, PDF, BMP, EPS, AI, PSD, or CDR
  • Additional Information – Large areas of solid black should be avoided in the ad
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