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What’s New in 23.1
Here are the highlights!
Integration for Text Messaging (Customer Master)
MACC has integrated with an SMS messaging platform to provide a text messaging solution to engage customers at every step of their journey. This interface will align with cybersecurity practices to secure and streamline communications. A Text Message option was added to all messaging triggers in Customer Master which does not require the carrier’s name. Users can continue to utilize our existing Email to Text setups for notifications but now have another texting option.
ACP Enroll/De-Enroll API Automation to USAC (Customer Master)
USAC has an API to allow companies to send enrollment and de-enrollment information for ACP services with NLAD, creating efficiency with ACP records. MACC has automated our existing interface so users can send a single ACP record at the time of entry, eliminating the need to send batch records. Users can choose to automatically connect to USAC via the API or continue with the manual process currently in place.
Address Attachments (Customer Master and MACC Mobile)
To provide greater convenience to technicians in the field, MACC has expanded Electronic Documents functionality to include the ability to attach documents such as pictures to network addresses in Customer Master and MACC Mobile. Additionally, the Electronic Documents icon was added to the Address table, Address Search in the Service Order/Sales Lead, and Plant Search.
New Utility Billing Module (Customer Master)
New functionality was implemented for Utility Billing to Customer Master providing services and billing for public utilities such as electricity, gas, water, or trash. With minimal setup, companies can expand their billing of Telephone, Internet, and Cable networks to also include a utility network(s) on one bill from MACC.
Calix API for Internet (Customer Master)
Companies utilizing Calix Support Cloud to monitor, diagnose, and manage home Internet networks can now enjoy a timesaving, direct link to Calix from Customer Master. MACC has integrated with Calix allowing Calix users with an established Support Cloud log-in, to help avoid duplicate entries. A new “Calix Subscriber ID” icon was added and can be accessed from the Service Order/Sales Lead, Inquiry, Trouble, and Plant. Clicking the icon will take the user from the account in Customer Master to Calix for a single-entry process.
Font and Performance Improvements (Accounting Master)
Accounting Master made changes within all screens to accommodate Microsoft Windows’ new default font. The font and sizing changed from Tahoma – 8 to Segoe UI – 9. MACC also converted its components from ADO to FireDAC. The new FireDAC components will allow MACC to use modern technologies in the future and maintain a more up-to-date product. While FireDAC is not a visual change, the result of this conversion will increase processing speed and performance within the software.

Get all the details…view the 23.1 Update Letter
Step One – Log-in to Client Central
- Click the button below and our Client Login page will open in a separate window.
- Using your company’s credentials, login to Client Central using the Username and Password fields. Don’t remember your credentials? Click here for assistance.
- Once logged-in, minimize or close the Client Login page and move on to Step Two.
Step Two – Access Customer Master’s 23.1 Update Letter
- Once you are logged-in to Client Central, click on the button below to access the desired document.
- You will be taken to the appropriate page.
- The 23.1 content will be labeled.
Version 23.1 training
Take advantage of all the new features in version 23.1 of Customer Master by taking “What’s New” training. A course description and registration form are available below. If you have questions, please contact your MACC Software Support Representative.
What’s New in Customer Master 23.1
Estimated length: 60 minutes Cost: $120
Learn about new functionality in Customer Master including Integration for Text Messaging, Address Attachments, ACP Enroll/De-Enroll API Automation, New Utility Billing Module, Calix API for internet, and much more.