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What’s New in 22.2
Here are the highlights!
Payment Partners (Accounting Master and Customer Master)
MACC is pleased to offer two integrations for electronic payment solutions. Customers can choose between CDS Global, Inc. and Paymentus Corporation. Both partners bring a wealth of knowledge in the payment processing industry and are PCI compliant. Each company also has a wide variety of payment options in their toolbox to fulfill your payment footprint. Please contact your Client Solutions Manager for more information on these integrations.
Creation of Invoices from a Scan (Accounting Master)
We are excited to introduce a new automation feature in the Accounts Payable module. With limited vendor set up and invoice mapping, an Electronic Invoice Template can be created. Once established, users will have the ability to scan invoices and automatically create and code them in preparation for payment. This feature will save time and money on everyday accounting tasks.
Commissions (Customer Master and MACC Mobile)
The Commissions feature in Customer Master offers a variety of options for companies to assign, manage, and report on commissionable revenue. This activity starts with the management of agents/employees, contracts, one-time charges, recurring charges, and commission terms (initial, recurring, and term payouts). The process from start to finish has been redeveloped in Customer Master to accommodate the various policies in place at your company.
Geocoding (Customer Master and MACC Mobile)
MACC continues to work closely with Esri, an international supplier of geographic information, to provide the most accurate latitude and longitude coordinates for address management and regulatory reporting. With a focus on providing the most precise set of information, the system has been enhanced to historically track the type (rooftop, street, or intersection) and score of each API call to Esri. This functionality, in conjunction with an option to re-geocode mass sets of Customer Master addresses, will empower companies to achieve on target coordinates.
Capital Credits – Print Allocations on Bill and “Un-located” Member Process (Customer Master)
Cooperative Telcos are often challenged with managing the communication lines to their members. This year MACC has emphasized reaching members efficiently and effectively. Available in our 22.1 release of Customer Master, an option to print allocation notices on the bill was made available. This enhancement was something many companies were able to take advantage of this fall for their allocation process. Additionally, the 22.2 release brings changes to the disbursement process, where adjustments were made to identify specific members as “un-located.” This change ensures they are included in the disbursement for the year but are not included in the check file. They can be easily identified when addresses are updated or when disbursed amounts are forfeited.
Web Self-Care App (Web Self-Care)
Coming this fall, end-users can download MACC’s Web-Self Care product from the Google Play and Apple Stores. This feature can be company branded and customized to deliver an optimal experience for your end-users. All the same great features of Web-Self Care will be available within the App.

Get all the details…view the 22.2 product documents
Step One – Log-in to Client Central
- Click the button below and our Client Login page will open in a separate window.
- Using your company’s credentials, login to Client Central using the Username and Password fields. Don’t remember your credentials? Click here for assistance.
- Once logged-in, minimize or close the Client Login page and move on to Step Two.
Step Two – Access each Product’s Update Letter or Enhancement Summary
- Once you are logged-in to Client Central, click on the button below to access the desired document.
- You will be taken to the appropriate page.
- The 22.2 content will be labeled.
Version 22.2 training options
Take advantage of all the new features in version 22.2 of Customer Master and Accounting Master by taking “What’s New” training. Course descriptions and a registration form are available below. If you have questions, please contact your MACC Software Support Representative.
What’s New in Accounting Master 22.2
Estimated length: 60 minutes Cost: $80
We’ll discuss new enhancements in Accounting Master 22.2 including scanning of Account Payable Invoices, Re-issue payroll checks, Fixed Asset Management Quick Search, Updates to the JE Import process for WO close, Serial Number Import Tool changes, Payroll Benefit carryover updates, and many more.
What’s New in Customer Master 22.2
Estimated length: 90 minutes Cost: $120
Learn about new functionality in Customer Master including Commissions updates, Mapping of Service Availability, Tracking Denied Services, Telephone Number Import, Capital Credits unlocated members, Capital Credits allocations on bills, and much more.