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What’s New in 21.1
Our FAVORITE FEATURES in Customer Master 21.1

Carolyn Young
Payment Method Default Batch Names
Users now have the ability to set up default batch names for each payment method. This will eliminate manual editing of the batch name for different payment types. This setup is per employee.

Kris Larsen
New features in Receivables
I love the new enhancement to Receivables. In 21.1 each employee will be able to set up multiple default batch names. You can set up a default for each payment type. I think this is a new feature that many, if not all of our companies, will want to use.

Margaret Stoltz
Great new features in Scheduler
My favorite pick will be all the wonderful changes made to the Scheduler. The ability to remove/delete/change appointments, to assign employees to multiple Work Groups, and to schedule employees from all work groups across multiple databases will be really helpful to users. Our clients will be very excited to see these changes and increase the number of companies using the module.

Crystal Olsen
The ability to modify scheduled appointments
We can now delete past appointments and delete appointments from the appointment holding area. Previously, if users forgot to cancel an appointment, and it is now in the past, we could not delete the appointment.

Celeste Lux
Payment Module expansion
My Favorite thing in Customer Master 21.1 is the expansion of the Payments Module to include additional payment methods. This enhancement provides users the opportunity to have additional methods activated such as Apple Pay, Paypal, and Venmo. It will allow for more precise information about batch payments with the ability to view batch reports by selected payment method. This would be particularly useful when comparing payments received by helping to pinpoint the source of discrepancies or balancing receipts.

Shane Easterling
Locate 811 Module
The new Locate 811 Module really simplifies and automates the process of handling locate requests. It can monitor and scan a user’s 811
Locate e-mails and automatically create/load Locate tickets into the 811 Locates grid in Customer Master to completely eliminate a manual step.

Kelly McIntosh
Nii – Multiple Material Companies
Customer Master’s ability to handle inventory was really improved in 21.1 through the Network Inventory Interface (Nii). It can now be used to pull inventory from multiple Accounting Master Material companies which should simplify the tracking of premise equipment.

Kourtney Terry
Locate 811 Module
My favorite thing in this build is the new ‘Locate 811’ Module. I think it will be a very useful tool for the company to refer to when getting calls regarding locates. It will eliminate the need to search in the 811 website to locate the ticket and where it stands.

Robbin Rasmussen
Payment Method Default Batch Names
I really like the Default Batch Names for Each Payment method. This will be helpful to prevent those payments getting into the wrong batch. Plus, it’s by employee, so when the default is set the employees will have the ability to use their initials by the batch name in order to determine what batches they have created. It also allows for a Default Payment Method which makes it very flexible.
Our FAVORITE FEATURES in Accounting Master 21.1

Kate Behrendt
Vendor Wildcard Search
My favorite feature is the option to perform a Vendor Wildcard Search. While the option to search using partial matches is valuable to a lot of users, there are still some who would prefer to search without the partial match. Adding this as an option increases the flexibility for both preferences.

Tim Carlson
Nii Enhancement
I really like the ability to use different Material Companies’ inventory in the Network Inventory Interface. This improvement simplifies the process for companies to use inventory items they have on the books in one company and use it on networks assigned to a different Accounting Company.

Lane Wolff
Mass Labor Reallocation
My favorite new feature is the Mass Labor Reallocation. This just seems really convenient for companies to update multiple labor records in a mass process instead of individually.
Get all the details…view the 21.1 product documents
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Step Two – Access each Product’s Update Letter or Enhancement Summary Page
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- You will be taken to the appropriate document’s page.
- The 21.1 content will be labeled. Click on it to view in your browser or download in PDF format.
Version 21.1 training options
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What’s New in Customer Master 21.1
Estimated length: 60 minutes Cost: $80
Some of the features updated in 21.1 include new preferences on Inquiry, a new module dedicated to Locates, updates to the Network Inventory Interface and Premise Equipment reporting, advanced payment Batch Name by Payment Method, Reassigned Number Database reporting, and many enhancements related to the Advanced Scheduler. We’ll also review a new option – the Enterprise Scheduler for businesses with more than one Customer Master company.
What’s New in Accounting Master 21.1
Estimated length: 60 minutes Cost: $80
Enhancements include attachments options for Accounts Payable, updates to Recurring Invoices, a CM Cash Journal Entry Reversal option, mass updates to Labor Entry Reallocation, Human Resources data import, Multiple Material Companies for the Network Inventory Interface, Payroll updates, Auto-Generate Purchase Orders for low inventory, and a Reassign Stock Certificate Number tool.