Utility Billing: Budget Auto Calculation Tool
Budget Auto-Calculation Tool
When it’s that time of year to compare customer payments with their actual usage for Budget accounts adjustments, an “Auto-Calculate Budget Processing” tool was created to allow users to do an automatic calculation of budget amounts. The tool allows users to auto-calculate the budget amounts or continue to enter manual budget amounts in the Special Billing screen as needed.
Suites | Receivables | Processing | Auto-Calculate Budget Processing: An “Auto-Calculate Budget Processing” tool was created for mass Budget processing calculations. All networks belonging to a budget account are on a budget but each network is calculated separately. The calculations in the processing screen will occur for all accounts in the grid and populate the Budget Amount to the account/networks in the Special Billing screen.
The required fields “Bill Cycle,” “Effective Bill Date,” “Budget Calculation” (By Address or By Network Tier,) and “Month Average” need to be populated before using the “Load Budget Accounts” button to pull in eligible accounts/networks for processing into the grid. Check boxes for “Include Previous Budget Balance in Calculation” and “Round to Nearest Dollar” can be checked if desired.
Clicking the “Load Budget Accounts” button will load and calculate based on the required field selections and the calculation will display in the “New Budget Amount” column. The “Effective Bill Date” and “New Budget Amount” column fields can be manually edited in the grid. Use the “Execute” button to save changes. If any changes are made to the required fields use the “Recalculate” button to recalculate the accounts/networks in the grid. The grid columns can be filtered and the right-click menu on the grid allows users to export the grid for reporting purposes.

Inquiry | Service Order | Credit Node | Special Billing: An “Auto-Calculate Budget” button was added to the Special Billing screen for quick access to the Auto-Calculate Budget process screen for a single account.

Clicking the Auto-Calculate Budget icon will load the current Account/Networks in the Auto-Calculate Budget Processing screen where users can make field selections and/or changes in the grid.

After executing the changes, the new budget amount is populated on the associated account under the Credit Node in the Special Billing screen.