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MACC Application Recovery Service (MARS) Annual Test
As part of our MACC Application Recovery Service (MARS) agreement, clients using the service are entitled to an annual test of this service. For the test, MACC will restore your database and provide access to your users to verify connectivity, login access, and application functionality of your contracted applications. You will have access to this database for up to eight hours. This test can be conducted from any computer with internet access.
Please note: This test will not provide access to your current, active Accounting Master or Customer Master databases. For this test, a copy of your database will be duplicated from the most recent full backup at MACC. Any information entered during this test will NOT be retained.
To schedule a MARS Annual Test, please complete the form below. A member of our team will then contact you to confirm the requested date. Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you to make this test a success!